Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Wiebe Family

I've had the privilege of photographing this family since Melissa was pregnant with Ella.  They are now a family of 3 about to be four.  I have loved photographing so many special moments in their lives and I can't wait for Baby #2 to make his/her appearance. 

Phil was great to help me out with this classic 90's pose... Melissa's smile in this picture is worth the cheese on Phil's face! 

Martin Family : Rockin' the Fur!

This is my sister and her gorgeous family.  I LOVE that I get to photograph her family every year and see how much their personalities have changed and how much they have grown... not to mention my sister always comes up with great outfits! This year they added some fur. 

Now for a trip down memory lane..... 




Daugherty Family